Desktop Backgrounds of The Boys

Click on any of the names below and the desktop background will appear. It will take a long time to download. When it has finished downloading (you see the whole picture in your browser), click the right mouse button and click on "Set As Wallpaper". If your screen resolution is not 1024x768 or higher, it might not work well (I haven't yet tried that). You can find your screen resolution by right-clicking on your desktop, clicking on Properties, and clicking on the Settings tab. Under "Desktop Area" you'll see your screen resolution.
Matthew (22 months old) kissing Ryan (5 days old) (3/28/2000)
Matthew kissing Ryan
Matthew (26 months old) and Ryan (3 months old) (7/2/2000) - What Annie is using now
Matthew tolerating Ryan
Matthew (27 months old) and Ryan (5 months old) (8/29/2000) - What I am using now
Matthew and Ryan playing
UnderwearHeads - What I am using now

Best experienced with
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Click here to start.